Landscapes of the mind, abstracted images of the natural world, paintings in oils and mixed media

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Working on New Story...

Sun Wheel
The process of finding the next story to pursue is not hard...there is much grist for the mill, especially now.
Finding the proper vehicle that will resonate is the challenge. 
I worried that Cassandra would not find an audience, but there was a lot of lively discussion over the paintings and the altered book last night at Rhythmix Cultural Center. Thanks to d'arci Bruno for including my work in the show.

Isis Searches for Osiris
On to the next thing...There are several voices calling to me but i am still waiting for the path to unfold...
Ignorance Swallows Hope

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Sample Art

A Meditation Through the Wisdom Mandala

Mandala of the Divine Feminine